Grant Application Notification Form

Where do I find the Grant Application Notification Form?

  • Click here to be direct to the Grant Application Notification Form.

Human Subjects

Do I have a clinical trial, is my project exempt?

What are the requirements for exemption 4?

  • “Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens, if these sources are publicly available or if the information is recorded by the investigator in such a manner that subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects.” 46.101(b)(4)

Internal, UMN Proposals

Do I need to submit a Grant Application Notification form for internal, UMN proposals such as the Masonic Cancer center?

  • Yes, we will help you prepare a budget and PRF (if necessary) prior to the internal deadline. All other items are prepared and submitted by you.

Late Submissions

What if the agency announcement was released with less than 1 month before the deadline? Can I still submit a proposal?

  • Yes, we will work together to submit a proposal. The department grants professional will adjust the schedule to accommodate the proposal and the PI will adjust his/her schedule to adhere to the required deadlines.
    • (This exception applies to announcements that were released within the 1 month window, not those the PI was unaware of until that time.)

Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent (LOI), do I need to submit an notification form?

  • If you are submitting a letter of intent (LOI)/pre-proposal, and hope to be invited for a full proposal, you should absolutely fill out the notification form at least 1 month before the full proposal is due.

Role on Proposal

How should I classify someone on my grant proposal?

  • Identify if the individual is key personnel or not.
    • If the individual is key personnel and has measurable effort, they must be identified as one of the following: Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator or Consultant.
  • If the individual is not key personnel, simply identify their their role, Post Doc, Junior Research, Research Technician, etc.